Alt-Meat - - Who Says “You Can’t Fake Steak”? ~ Future Friday

The photo was taken in Montrose, CO, by CJD.Sign, "Prarie Dog Terminators" with a "DANGER" sign above it, leaning on a fence at a field by the Health Department, in town limits.

G’day everyone,

AltMeat is not another MS Windows sadistic keystroke combinations. It’s also not the super-cool future foods derived from stem-cell research infused into e existing meat-production industry.

Alt-Meat is as its name suggests - - it’s an alternative to meat, plant-derived meat substitute. This article does not sing the praises of a Vegan diet, nor does it eschew the atrocities base to the meat-production industries. Rather, I share an education.

My first exposure to plant-derived alternative meat was Healthy Choice’s protein patty. Within seconds of taking my first bite, I was on the phone complaining to a CSR supporting the Healthy Choice brand. The CSR noted my several complaints, said “thank you,” and promptly hung up without offering so much as a refund, replacement coupons, and the like.

Then, I gleefully dove into a Kashii-branded frozen dinner expecting the years since Healthy Choice’s fiasco to have greatly improved the veggie burger. Oh, how wrong I was. Those Kashii frozen meals tasted like burnt oatmeal mush thickened with sawdust and then strained to remove any meaningful flavor. The word “disgusting” found a new definition.

As I said I’m not a vegetarian, and God willing, will never be. I’m putting my money on meat yanked out of a vat of meat-protein and stem-cell alchemy to win the most shelf space at the grocery store.

Having said that, the linked article, “This is the Beginning of the End of the Beef Industry,” puts the spotlight on two successful alternatives to meat — “Beyond Burger” and “Impossible Burger.” Sales since product launch have surpassed creator and investor expectations. Two years ago, the meat-production industries laughed at alt-meats, but in this small slice of time, alt-meats have a presence within fast-food chains such as Burger King, White Castle, and Del Taco. Furthermore, groceries such as Whole Foods are taking valuable shelf space away from traditional meats to make way for plant-derived alt-meats.

“Beyond Burger’s” offerings, according to the article’s author, are still barely tolerable, but “Impossible Burgers” have a secret ingredient that makes them almost delicious.

Follow this link to learn more ... This Is the Beginning of the End of the Beef Industry — Outside

Have a meaningful day.



  1. To paraphrase a line from the movie "Kate & Leopold" - "It's vegan it's not supposed to taste good." Actually Meg Ryan said "It's diet, it's not supposed to taste good" after Hugh Jackman proclaims a new margarine tastes like pond scum.

    In short, what does one expect from a vegetable patty concocted of pulverized bits of plant life and a binder of organic glue? I think your expectations for the Healthy Choice and Kashii brands were set much too high. It's not the manufacturer's fault these pseudo foods don't taste like hamburgers or any other cut of meat. After all, the tofu turkey (tofukee) was a food flop, why should any plant derived imitation of meat have any better future? If you're a vegan or veggie head, how can you expect plants to taste like meats? If such people want the taste of meat so badly, buy meat and stop fooling themselves. For the rest of those who want to try these plant based patties, set your expectations exceptionally low and the patties may somewhat meet your expectations.


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